About ME


My name’s Julie...my nearest and dearest call me Jules – I’m happy for you to also do so! ;)

I live in St.Kilda (by the beach) in Melbourne, Australia. I was born in Melbourne and will always be a Melbourne girl at heart, no matter where I travel to or where I live. Let me tell you a little bit about me.

I’m an Indonesian Language and Culture Educational Author and Consultant. What’s that? – you may ask. Well, let me try to explain, I freelance, which means I sit at home alone all day juggling various national and international collaborative online educational projects; mainly Indonesian language and cultural educational resources.

Most of my time is spent online or with my head in a book (I do still love hard covered books!). 
I write a lot, my list includes; text books, e-books, teacher professional learning modules, curriculum designs, learning sequences… and there’s fun stuff too like writing; stories, folktales, poems, scripts and songs.

It’s lucky that I don’t mind my own company, as I said, most days are spent with me, myself and I (I may be wearing a different hat, but it’s still me!)…It’s also lucky that I am a born daydreamer (could do it all day, every day!), so most days I find myself lost in my own thoughts and dreams…this is where some of my most creative ideas are developed.

This is my personal little spot on the Internet, to share my reflections on Indonesia – including my thoughts, feelings, experiences and aspirations, interwoven with a collection of digital images that I have collected over many years throughout my journeys to the beautiful islands that make up Indonesia! (Oh, did I mention that I also LOVE photography? ... I do!)

My purpose for this blog: Promoting, Sharing and Celebrating the rich diversity of the Indonesian Language and Cultures.

My biggest obsession: Traveling to Indonesia…and my wish is to visit all of the 18,000 islands! ;) 
I love exploring the more remote islands of Indonesia...my love for 'the road less travelled'!

To find out more about my personal journey and obsession...oops...fascination with Indonesia, feel free to read my first blog post, here: 'Beginnings of my Journey'. 

Anyway, that’s enough about me; I’d love you to join me at ‘Refleksi Indonesia’, as I share my:

Reflections of my Journey through … Language – Culture – Travel – Photography – Arts

Thanks so much for stopping by.


Jules :)

Images and writings created on this blog are the copyrighted work of Julie M Newnham of Melbourne, Victoria – Australia.

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